A Fixed Prosthesis is an innovative and special technique of surgical placement of implants and an immediate placement of a temporary restoration. Like most of our procedures, we will meet with you prior to the procedure and take a CT scan, which allows the fabrication of an advanced surgical guide to precisely place the implants and a laboratory technique that allows the fabrication of the restoration prior to the surgical placement of the implants. At the time of your procedure, we will extract the teeth needed to place the temporary restoration and then place the implants that hold the temporary in place. Our highly advanced technique requires a skilled surgeon and  restorative dentist that work together to perform these procedures. Our advanced treatment allows the patient to leave with all implants placed and a fixed temporary restoration in the matter of a couple of hours.


smile stories

Gayle Robb After.jpg
My confidence from before my surgery was almost non-existent. I am so happy I went forward with the procedure and I would do it all over again if I had to. I am more than happy with my results.
— Patient